Reasons To Have A Maintenance Plan For Your Mobile Application

Being in a business of web and app development, maintenance, and support services is an important aspect. If you are into one such business, then you must understand that almost 52% of the apps are uninstalled by a major chunk of users within the first 3 months of launch.

img August 04, 2022 | img 10 Min | img Application Support and Maintenance, Mobile App Development, Technology Consulting

One of the reasons for the uninstallation of apps is the irregular updates and maintenance.

Negligence of app maintenance and support is not an option. If you want that your app must be loved and used with maximum capacity, you must be prepared with an app maintenance and support strategy always when you launch an app.

I might cost you, but instead of thinking of the price, you must think of long term benefits. Every competitive out there is trying there best to outreach their target audience and keep them satisfied with their products and services.

App support not just keeps the app free from bugs, but also add some interesting features for continuous engagement.

If you take it from a customer's perspective, any app that has been installed is not productive anymore, or takes time to respond as compared to other similar apps, or isn't giving you the desired results then why would you keep it? 

So, when you start comprehending the way customers think, you start taking care of all the aspects that would make your application a preferred choice.

A well-crafted and feature-rich application are important for any app to come in the eyes of the audience. Also, for it to run flawlessly, regular patches and updates need to be released timely.

To understand the need for mobile app maintenance and support services, you must know the importance. 

As stated in the first place, mobile app maintenance is helpful and brings superlative user experience all the time. 

Reasons to have App Maintenance 

Stay Updated with Hardware Changes:-

With different sizes of mobile and tablets available in the market, they come with different specifications and features. For eg, face recognition as per the screen size.

Thus, the changing hardware needs regular and updated software to work seamlessly with the change.

Improvised UI:-

It's no surprise that aesthetics is the key to hold any user. Thus, any app development company needs to make sure that the UI of the app they develop must be attractive and functional to keep the users hooked. 

With upgrading features and functionality, designs are also expected to change. With the help of a systematic maintenance plan, you can nurture the best UI.

Compatible with Evolving Systems:-

We have seen regular updates flowing through your phone by Android and iOS. There might be chances that your app may not be as compatible as before. 

An app maintenance plan that facilitates the right intervention at the right time may avoid the last-minute inconvenience.

Synchronization with Library Updates:-

A common practice followed by app developers, making use of the pre-coded software libraries. These libraries eliminate redundant coding work. 

Thus, it is important for your app to stay updated to sync with updated software libraries. Thus, app maintenance and support are essential for continuous optimality.


This is the most common problem which even the biggest brand apps face. Hitting the bottom line isn't a big problem, the problem lies when the app maintenance and support do not run at downtimes. The plan ensures a prompt and effective solution to restore normal functioning.

Strong and Robust Security:-

With the help of dedicated and proficient developers, one can proffer regular updates and release regular security patches. If you do not provide app support services, cybercriminals may find security loopholes and breach in. In that case, your sensitive information may be compromised and have an adverse impact.

Since every app is different thus, there can be different types of mobile app maintenance and support. So, let's quickly understand the types.

Types of Maintenance and Support for Mobile Application

Before analyzing the type of support and maintenance required for your app, you must analyze the architecture of the application. The complex the size of the database, the greater the need. 

Depending upon the app type, the number of daily active users, and the level of complexity, you will be able to opt for the efficient app support and maintenance service provider.

Emergency Maintenance:-

This aspect of the app support and maintenance service works typically on the sudden errors that might infect the whole system. 

Offering users with emergency maintenance will give them the privilege to avail of the service when needed at times of emergency.

Perfective Maintenance:-

This support service focuses a little extra on the user experience. The feature offers the users to add their new or changed requirement, which is then taken into account and fixed through source code to make the app just as the user's desire.

Adaptive Maintenance:-

This one is well-known to everyone. The adaptive app maintenance service focuses on updating the entire system. This update includes a software environment, which focuses on working conditions that impact the app.

Preventive Maintenance:-

This mobile app maintenance and support service primarily focuses on reducing errors. This type reduces the complexity of the app and makes the app more comprehensive and easy to maintain. 

Corrective Maintenance:-

This app support and maintenance service work on reducing regular errors or faults within the app. The daily based residual issues, which are the effect of incorrect code or logic, can be fixed with this type. This is something reported by the users.

In the Nutshell:-

So, now when you are planning for a prospective and big business, as an app development services, make sure you also provide neat and considerable maintenance and support services in hand. 

Certainly, you must have understood the relevancy of support services. Some of the brands are offering support, which is the reason why their apps are preferable. 

The regular updates will not just fix bugs, but will also keep your app updated with the ever-changing technology. So, if you too want to make your app preferable and engaging, start providing the maintenance services.

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